Mountains and People

Bulgarian Association of Mountain Leaders and Mountain Guides

History of Association

The “Mountains and People – Bulgarian Association of Mountain Leaders and Mountain Guides” is the leading non-government organization in training and legislation for mountain leaders and mountain guides in Bulgaria.

The “Mountains and People – Bulgarian Association of Mountain Leaders and Mountain Guides” was founded on 12th of November 1997 as a non-profit organization by individuals and organizations, who share professional and hobby interests for the nature in the mountains.

The aim of the association is to help and encourage the development of sustainable, eco-tourism and outdoor activities in the mountain regions of Bulgaria. It also aims to increase the ecological behavior, boosts the creation and improvement of basic infrastructure, landmarks and equipment in the mountains and climbing areas in Bulgaria, aiming safety.

The “Mountains and People – Bulgarian Association of Mountain Leaders and Mountain Guides” cooperates with institutions, other non-government organizations and the responsible business in tourism, whose aim is the nature conservation, sustainable development of rural and mountain regions.

Association Mountains and People

Latest Projects

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim.
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заслон "КОНЧЕТО"

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Оперативна програма "Иновации и конкурентоспособност"

Повишаване на капацитета на МСП в сектор туризъм чрез оказване на подкрепа за създаване и функциониране на Организациите за Управление на Туристическите Райони 2014-2020

Подготовка на планински водачи

планински водач

Развитие на учебния център към асоциацията, участие във всички промени и развитие на нормативната уредба за професията на планинския водач, обучение и непрекъснато повишаване нивото за подготовка на бъдещи планински водачи.




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